Getting started

Learn how to get the most out of Our DevAccuracy AI Test Coder, including how to write valid test code within complex environments, and more. Open plugin documentation folder for more details.

1. Install DevAccuracy Test Coder

The plugin can be found and installed by searching the marketplace. Download the latest version here.

2. Launch DevAccuracy

Launch DevAccuracy  by clicking the toolbar or using a right click from any Java source file.

3. Learn about the design issues

If it shows up the underlying design issues, you can take guidance to resolve them or you can proceed to review all the test cases. Check the docs folder for detailed instructions.

4. Access test cases

Find all the applicable test cases for the selected method. You can dive into the details of the individual test cases or you can select all to generate code with a single click.

5. Find out parameters and dependencies

You can learn about the input parameters and other dependencies for the individual test case. Afterwards, you can prepare the test data needed to simulate and isolate the respective test case.

6. Preview and customize test codes

Preview and customize test codes relevant for the selected test cases.

Empowering Developers to Enhance Code Quality, Predicting Issues, and Simplifying Testing